Your home should be the place where your family feels safe. It should be a refuge where your loved ones run to when the unexpected happens. For instance, your loved ones should feel secure inside your home when a hurricane strikes. But, how do you build a hurricane safe home? Here are some of the tips that will make your home a safe place even during a hurricane.
Ensure Proper Roofing
A great way to keep flying shingles away during a hurricane is ensuring that the roof is attached properly. Talk to your roofing contractor or builder to ensure that they attach the roof to the frame. They should nail the sheathing with strong ring-shank nails. That way, your roof won’t be torn off the house when pressure and wind changes.
Shutter up the House
If a glass is broken, cleaning up will be more difficult. To avoid this, install break-proof windows. Invest in strong roll-downs and shutters. What’s more, installing strong roll-downs and shutters will also lower energy bills while keeping the sun out.
Elevate Your Home
Every house has a different elevation level. Learn the base flood elevation for your property from your local construction department. Find out the lowest floor elevation in your location and then elevate your house if you realize that it’s below the flood line. That way, you can be sure that your belongings and home will be safe even if the water level rises.
Use the Right Building Materials
Talk to your contractor about the kind of house you want to build. Let them know that you’re building a hurricane safe home. The contractor and architect should work together to determine the most appropriate materials to use to build your hurricane-safe house.
A hurricane is a force of nature. Since you can’t prevent a hurricane, the only thing you can do is to protect yourself from its wrath. Building a hurricane-safe house is a great way to avoid the destruction that this force of nature leaves behind.